Looking for volunteer opportunities in support of your community and Woodside Lake? Just willing to help with social events or special projects? Let us know – we have a place for you! Please consider sharing your time and talents! We are seeking members who are interested in any of the following volunteer Board and/or volunteer Committee positions as part of our ongoing operational activities and succession planning.
If interested in any of the following positions, send an email to the Board at woodsidelake@gmail.com, a current Board member will contact you to discuss eligibility, roles, responsibilities, election or appointment process, terms of office, etc.
- President/Chairman: principal executive officer; oversees all operations/activities in managing the lake property; resident of Woodside Estates
- Vice-President: assists the president in operational activities, resident of Woodside Estates
- Secretary: keeps minutes of meetings; custodian of corporation records; resident of Woodside Estates
- Board Member(s) At Large: assist in Corporation matters and operational activities
Committee members are appointed by the Board and work in liaison with Board members
- Social Activities Chair (coordinating special lake events))
- Legal (e.g. corporation bylaws, documents review, lake property related negotiations and agreements, county & state code/ordinance updates, annual insurance document review/ renewal, etc.)
- Lake Property Maintenance/Repair (work with our Maintenance chair on special projects (e.g., general repairs or replacement of picnic tables, gates/fencing, docks; painting; gate security access; identifying contractors for selected maintenance/repair work, etc.) or annual maintenance, lake cleanup days and water testing)
Note: Lawn cutting service is already contracted/paid through the Lake Association operational budget.